June 2022 Chapter Updates

Greetings NCFO Members!

I hope this finds everyone doing well. A planning/board meeting was held on May 23rd, with 10 NCFO members in attendance. 

Some ideas were shared about the season, including around  the structure of our meetings. We may see more break out sessions by position this year. Interpreter Mike Terlesky Jr. is sporting a new computer for the 2022 Season and should have plays to look at as we roll into the season.  Thank you in advance to Mike for his time and effort in coordinating the education and training of all chapter members. 

A reminder to everyone that our website contains excellent information.  There are some great pictures on the site from our end of the year banquet in November.   


Check it out!  Thanks again to Jake Volcsko for keeping the site updated.  

This season we are scheduling 10 in-person meetings.  The PIAA requires 4 meetings, plus the Interpretation meeting this year.  One of your regular meetings must be in October.  

The Interpretation Meeting, and our first General Membership Meeting, will occur on Tuesday, August 9th at 7 pm.  Our second meeting is Wednesday, August 17th. We are back at Spring Ford for meetings.  Special thanks to Gilly for working out Spring Ford. Please check our website for all 2022 meeting dates.  The Banquet date is set and will be once again at the Holy Savior Club in Norristown.  The dinner meeting location is TBA.  Again, check out the website for all meeting dates. 

Standing  committees and members are as follows:

  • Website Committee  – Jake Volcsko
  • Recruitment/Public Relations Committee – Joel Barrish Chair, Jack Barrish, Jake Volcsko  
  • Awards Committee – Craig Gilinger, Chair , Rocco Cione , Gus Tornetta 
  • Banquet Committee – Rick Falcone, Chair   

If you have some time, would like to get more involved in any of these listed below, please reach out directly to me. We can really all benefit if we get a wider range of people involved.  Please give some consideration of donating some ideas and time.

Please check the PIAA website for information related to the August 5th and 6th PIAA Officials Convention in Harrisburg.  The convention is back in person.  Registration is closes on July 15th.  You can register after that date, but the fee will increase.  All the details are on the PIAA site.

If you are new, and need any help navigating your way or have questions, please reach out to me or Chris Deroba, Chapter Secretary. 

To all, keep your arbiter blocks updated for all the assignors. 

Thanks, stay healthy and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Dave Ruminski
Chapter President