PIAA 2024 Football Bulletin 1

The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) 2024 Football Bulletin 1 can be found on PIAA.org. The bulletin is sent to all registered PIAA registered football officials.

Enforcement Policy/Procedures– Football Uniform Violation

The enforcement of uniform rules is a shared responsibility of the coaches, players, and officials and through the work of all groups the safety of players can be enhanced. This includes but is not limited to: Knee pads fully covering the knee, Jerseys tucked in or to the belt line of the pants, Eye black one single solid stroke, two mouth pieces, etc. (NFHS Rule 1-5-1 through 6).

Football Uniform Violation Mechanics

These are only guidelines/suggestions for officials to use if they see fit. There is nothing that prevents an official from strictly enforcing NFHS Football Rule 9-8-1 as written.

  1. During the pre-game private meeting with the head coach the referee and another crew official will mention that Player Equipment and Enforcement is a Point of Emphasis this year and their help in enforcing and protecting players would be greatly appreciated.
  2. When viewing warmups, officials need to address any players whose uniforms do not comply with the rules. Officials should note those players’ numbers on their game card in the event these same players violate during play. Officials will notify the Head Coach prior to the start of the game. (Officials shall be on the field 30 minutes prior to gametime to observe warmups.)
  3. At the coaches/captains meeting, again, player safety must be stressed as it relates to uniform violations and that officials are trying to protect players and keep them from injury and within the NFHS rules.
  4. When officials notice a violation during play the player needs to be notified of the violation and the player’s number recorded on game cards. The player is to be removed for one play and the head coach notified. Player shall not return to the game until the violation has been corrected. This is in accordance with NFHS Rules 1-5-5, 1-5-6 and 3-5-10(e).
  5. When the same player is noticed a second time for same violation, send them off and have a conversation with the head coach about the violation prior notification to the player. Remind the head coach that another violation by the same player will result in a UNS on the head coach. Record this violation on game cards. This is in accordance with NFHS Rules 1-5-5, 1-5-6 and 3-5-10(e).
  6. If there is another (third) violation on the same player or if the coach is not responsive to the message above, the head coach will be accessed a UNS and 15-yard penalty in accordance with NFHS Rule 9-8-1(h). Record this on official’s game cards, this is the first UNS charged to the head coach as it relates to disqualification.

Team Box Change

The Team Box for Players, Coaches and all team personnel will revert to having them all be inside the team box between the 25-yard lines.

PIAA Rule Adoptions

  1. “Any Coach and/or adult Team Personal removed, ejected or disqualified from a Contest who refuses to leave the competition area (out of sight and sound) as directed by the Contest Official will result in a forfeiture of the Contest.”

    This policy has been adopted by the PIAA Board of Directors in an effort to address poor acting adults who refuse to abide by the applicable rules book and to show support of PIAA officials. Officials who encounter situations that involve this policy must report the occurrence to the PIAA Officials Department the next business day.
  2. Mercy NFHS Rule 3-1-2, running clock, at all levels (varsity, junior varsity, or otherwise) of competition. Upon completion of the first half and one Team gains a 35-point differential over its opponent, the clock shall be stopped only when an official’s time-out is taken, a charged time-out is granted, a period ends, or a score occurs. 2024 Addition: The clock will NOT be stopped for awarding a first down to team A.

Use of Drones Policy

For the purposes of this policy, a drone is any unmanned aerial device (“UAV”). Drones are not permitted above the competition surface or spectator areas during interscholastic Contests, Inter-school Practices and Scrimmages. Drones may not be used to scout opposing team Practices. Member schools may utilize drones for their own school team practice sessions based upon their local school policies. Persons and/or schools violating this Policy shall be subject to sanctions which may be imposed under Sections 5, 6, 7 and/or 9 of ARTICLE XIII, PENALTIES, of the PIAA By-Laws. Upon timely requests submitted to PIAA, the Executive Director is authorized to grant exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis with any host school/facility local policies.

Helmet Covers

Helmet covers as the ones shown below designed for added protection for players ARE legal equipment under NFHS rules. Under rule 1-5-1,a1 and 2, there is no color restriction on helmets. Though it is recommended that a team use the same color, they are permitted to wear different colored helmet covers as shown below.

Mechanics Reminders

Officials are reminded to print and review the PIAA mechanics manual from the PIAA website under Football-Documents and review. H and L are reminded in six and seven person games to stay on the goal line until the ball is possessed, the R should be looking up field for illegal blocks. H and L are to wind the clock, R does not wind.

High School Football Plays

Play 1
A4/9@A-35 (a) R muffs the punt at A-40 and ball bounces back to A-33 where K player picks the ball up and gets tackled at the A-35. (b) R muffs the punt at A-40 and ball bounces back to A-33 where K player picks the ball up and throws an incomplete pass. (c) R muffs the punt at A-40 and ball bounces back to A-33 where K player picks the ball up and throws a completed pass or runs to the 50. (d) R muffs the punt at A-40 and ball bounces back to A-33 where K player picks the ball up and punts it again. Clock status?

Play 1 Ruling: NFHS Rule 6-2-2, 6-2-4, 5-1-3f
In a, b and c, A 1/10 at the dead ball spot as R/B has touched the kick beyond the NZ. A will be awarded a new series of downs at the end of the play so long as the ball is in A’s possession at the end of the down. In b, the dead ball spot is the previous spot.

In d, when A punts the ball the second time, which is legal, they are giving up the ball and will then be B 1/10 @ the
dead ball spot so long as B is in possession at the end of the down.

Play 2
A4/9@A-35 (a) A’s punt goes beyond the LOS and the ball bounces back to A-33 without touching R/B where K player
picks the ball up and gets tackled at the A-35. (b) throws an incomplete pass. (c) throws a completed pass to the 50. (d) Punts the ball again with B/R in possession at the end of the down.

Play 2 Ruling
In a and b, the ball turns over on downs as A did not make the LTG and R/B has NOT touched the kick, B1/10 @ A-35.

In c, A has made the LTG thus has earned A1/10@ 50. In d, B1/10@ dead ball spot after the kick